cell lines/media

Primary Human Tissue Lines. Want to grow organoids in your own lab? We have a bank of well characterized lines.

** Please acknowledge the TTML. For example, see Nature. 2024 **


Prior to transfer of enteroids/colonoids to University of Michigan investigators, a Simple Letter Agreement (SLA link here) will be signed by TTML and receiving investigator.

  • To transfer cell lines for continuous use (expanding/freezing stocks) to University of Michigan investigators we require a reimbursement of $753/line.

  • For ready-to-use 3D and 2D formats, see below for further details.

Growth Media - at least 3 business days notice. To order, click link

Note: Media and cell lines are not "for sale", and we are unable to offer these to investigators outside of the University of Michigan community. Dollar amounts listed below reflect partial costs that we recover using a shortcode-to-shortcode transfer or in-kind supply reimbursement.

LWRN-conditioned Medium*

$36.95/45 mLs (prices include only costs for time/supplies to generate the conditioned media)


1. Generated from ATCC cell line CRL-3276 according to Miyoshi et al. (Nat. Protocols, 2013)

2. This media is not 'ready to use'.  See the Protocols page for generating complete medium: Human Colonoid Medium.

3. Quality Control: TopFlash luciferase reporter assay to determine WNT signaling activity, Mycoplasma testing, and functional testing on enteroid/colonoid lines. Details available upon request (representative QC data). 

TO ORDER: FILL IN FORM BELOW.  Please indicate how many 45 mL aliquots you would like.

Human Colonoid Medium (HCM-Y)

$61.59/45 mLs (prices include only costs for time/supplies to generate the complete media)


1. HCM-Y is 'ready to use'. Made with LWRN-conditioned Media plus a host of other supplements/factors. Full formulation can be found here. 

2. HCM-Y has been used to successfully grow epithelium-only stomach, small intestine and colonic organoids from adult human tissue.

*Comparing Laboratory Prepared Medium and a Commercial Medium Alternative for Expansion of Human Colonoid Cultures

TO ORDER: FILL IN FORM BELOW.  Please indicate how many 45 mL aliquots you would like.

Human intestinal epithelium as 3D organoids

Ready to use for experiments from one of our "standard" well-characterized lines. 

$13.69/well - 24 well plate sized well (4x 10uL droplets).

$34.27/well - 12 well plate sized well (10x 10uL droplets).

$86.56/well - 6 well plate sized well (25x 10uL droplets).

Human intestinal epithelium as 2D monolayer

Ready to use for experiments from one of our "standard" well- characterized lines. 

$6.15/well (2D 96-well; minimum 10 wells); $20.59/well (2D 48-well); $35.39/well (2D 24-well); $65.20/well (2D 12-well); $178.82/well (2D 6-well).

$28.75 well - Human Colonoid Transwell Monolayers, (example data); 24-well insert (minimum 8 wells).

$36.95/45 mL - 2D monolayer & customized experimental medium (post initial set-up, see 2DM or 2DM-Y at this link.

Fee TBD - Maintenance of transwell monolayers (change medium, measure TEER…)

To Order: Click link here (3 business days notice)

Payment will be made via short-code-to-shortcode transfer (beginning with "2.......") or in-kind supply reimbursements.